Posts Tagged gopro

Running in the snow

Snow…again Just when all systems had been switched to summer mode, winter struck again towards the end of April. We went from t-shirt & shorts weather straight back to the depth of winter…all within a matter of two days. I took the opportunity to head up the trails over the course of three days to… Read More

Winter wonderland

The Winter Wonder One night. 40cm of fresh snow. Unheard of. But what an experience! This weekend will most certainly go down in Bavarian history. We got so much snow within just a few hours. It was crazy. Almost all traffic was shut down within just a few hours. No trains all weekend. Munich airport… Read More

A gorgeous morning ride

Sunrise Some mornings are prettier than others. This was certainly true the other day. I woke up bright & early and decided to jump on my bike. 30 minutes into the ride, the sun started rising. The next 30 minutes were magical. All photos taken with the iPhone 13 Pro and the GoPro Hero 12.

Trail running on Zugspitze

The comfort zone When is the last time you have left your comfort zone? It’s sadly been a while for me when it comes to sports and I therefore decided to embark on one of my longest trail runs ever. Growth usually happens when you leave your comfort zone. The top of Zugspitze seemed like… Read More

A few days in Tavira

Ringo the Flamingo Is that a flamingo? Boy, I was surprised to see a flock of these awesome birds stand in a tide pool close to Faro airport in Portugal as we made our final descent. Quite a fun sight. And that was a nice and surprising way to start to a short vacation close… Read More

GoPro as a photo camera – overhyped or cool?

The GoPro Just a few days ago, GoPro announced the latest version of its iconic Hero action camera. No doubt, the new Hero 12 will turn heads but also receive criticism on the internet for a perceived lack of new features. Time for me to add my 2 cents again. However, I do not want… Read More

Cascais: Where Sun, Surf, and Secret Agents Collide!

Intro Today, we embark on a thrilling journey to Cascais, a picturesque coastal town in Portugal that has captured my heart and even caught the attention of international spies. With my trusty Fuji X100V & GoPro cameras in hand, I set out to explore the gorgeous town and its beaches while also looking to walk… Read More

The fabled Sa Calobra climb

Sa Calobra The cycling community is ripe with discussions about famous mountain passes and climbs. Pretty much every athlete either dreams of conquering specific climbs or has stories of mountain passes to tell. Some climbs are (in)famous for their difficulty. Others are beloved because of their beauty. The Col dels Reis on the Spanish island… Read More

Cycling the Zillergrund & Schlegeis dams

Zillergrund & Schlegeis Last weekend, I decided to head to Austria to ride two beautiful mountain passes. The region of Mayrhofen is usually known for its skiing and hiking. Few people know that there are three massive dams hidden in the valleys behind the town. Built in the 80s, these dams are pretty impressive and… Read More

Turning to videos

Covid has dramatically restricted our ability to move around and explore. Even day trips have become somewhat difficult in Bavaria due to the limited options and the mass of people seemingly targeting the same places on the weekends. My personal drive to engage in photography has therefore also declined. However, I recently rediscovered videography. Video… Read More

The GoPro Max is a miracle camera

The speed of innovation is startling these days. Things that weren’t possible just 3-5 years ago are now the new normal. The GoPro Max is one of those miracles to me. In case you haven’t heard of it, it’s the latest GoPro camera in the 360 category and basically replaces the GoPro Fusion which was… Read More

Red Rock Canyon with the GoPro Hero 7

Business brought me back to Las Vegas the other day. I can’t really say that I enjoy going there. The Casinos, the masses of people and the constant smell of smoke are just not my cup of tea. Not all is fear and loathing in Las Vegas, however. Just a few miles West of the… Read More

Discovering Tenerife

Tenerife The Spanish Canary islands in the middle of the Atlantic are well known for their beauty, mild climate and easy access for tourists. Earlier this month, I took a few days to discover one of the largest islands in this archipelago: Tenerife. My main purpose was to bike but I could not resist to… Read More

A short GoPro Fusion Review

Every once in a while there is a piece of technology that boggles your mind and that creates disruption. The iPhone did that ten years ago, for example. The dynamics of the mobile phone market completely changed over night and we suddenly had a different relationship with our phones. Little over two months ago (December… Read More

Playing with the DJI Drone

The transition from summer to fall can sometimes be quite harsh. Within a few weeks, temperatures have dropped considerably and we even had to turn on the heat in our house. Pair that with non-stop rain. The past few days have been especially dreary. But as luck had it there were a few bright moments… Read More

Swim with tuna – your not so average adventure

The Adventure Have you ever experienced an adventure that gave you goosebumps thinking about? Once in a while, some of us are lucky and witness something truly unique. Something that will stick with you forever. Together with my family and our awesome friends from Portland, we did something that none of us had ever done… Read More