Category Travel

Cascais in Winter

Cascais James Bond has taught us that secret agents love fancy places. Earlier this year, I wrote about a special location in Europe that used to be a spy haven: Cascais. It’s a beautiful spot that I keep going back to. To top off a great 2023, my wife and I recently returned to the… Read More

A few days in Tavira

Ringo the Flamingo Is that a flamingo? Boy, I was surprised to see a flock of these awesome birds stand in a tide pool close to Faro airport in Portugal as we made our final descent. Quite a fun sight. And that was a nice and surprising way to start to a short vacation close… Read More

Vík in iceland

vík í Mýrdal  2023 has been a special Iceland year for me. My wife and I went there in mid February and I ended up returning at the end of July to watch the recent Lili-Hrutur volcano eruption. Vík was high up on our list for both trips. A nice benefit of going there in… Read More

Iceland in summer

Iceland Just a short update today. It’s been raining cats & dogs here in Bavaria. Perfect time to get caught up on photo & video editing. Earlier in August, I posted some photos from a visit to the Little-Hrutur volcano in Iceland. Following those two days, I went on a whirlwind five day trip along… Read More

A herculian challenge in A Coruña?

A Coruña There is a magnificent gem located in the North West of Spain. It seems to have gone somewhat unnoticed by the millions of tourists that flock to the South every year. The gem is a sparkling city on the Atlantic. It features picturesque alleys, an abundance of amazing restaurants and a number of… Read More

Fire dances – A rendezvous with Litli-Hrutur

Volcano: Litli-Hrutur Do you have a bucket list? I certainly do and there was one item all the way up on that directory: to experience a live volcano. The closest I have come to fulfil this dream was to fly over Mt St Helens on a clear day in 2004 during a brief period of… Read More

Unearthly Beauty Meets Unearthly Charm – Gozo: The Island that Stole My Heart!

Gozo, Malta Hey fellow wanderlusters and photography enthusiasts! Today, I’m taking you on a side-splitting journey to a land where azure seas and captivating landscapes meet the quirkiest, most charming island inhabitants. Buckle up and grab your snorkels, for we’re diving headfirst into the wonderland known as Gozo! Gozo is a smaller island located in… Read More

The fabled Sa Calobra climb

Sa Calobra The cycling community is ripe with discussions about famous mountain passes and climbs. Pretty much every athlete either dreams of conquering specific climbs or has stories of mountain passes to tell. Some climbs are (in)famous for their difficulty. Others are beloved because of their beauty. The Col dels Reis on the Spanish island… Read More

Ibiza – Post lock-down

More and more countries are starting to ease travel restrictions as the Covid situation improves across the globe. We were most certainly delighted to jump on a flight to Ibiza a few weeks ago. The island was quite empty and many hotels were still shut down. It was almost a bit eerie in certain parts…. Read More

Discovering Tenerife

Tenerife The Spanish Canary islands in the middle of the Atlantic are well known for their beauty, mild climate and easy access for tourists. Earlier this month, I took a few days to discover one of the largest islands in this archipelago: Tenerife. My main purpose was to bike but I could not resist to… Read More

Star gazing on Mt Teide

Mt Teide When is the last time you have taken the time to enjoy the night sky and do some star gazing? Probably not as of lately? If not, you should. And you should also bring your camera. Star gazing and astrophotography are activities that can provide you not only with an awesome experience but… Read More

12 Hours in Stockholm

Beautiful Stockholm It’s almost the end of March and we woke up to a fresh layer of snow coupled with freezing temperatures. These type of days are a perfect opportunity to do some focused post production photography work. While cleaning up my Lightroom catalogue, I realized with horror that there is a huge backlog of… Read More

Swim with tuna – your not so average adventure

The Adventure Have you ever experienced an adventure that gave you goosebumps thinking about? Once in a while, some of us are lucky and witness something truly unique. Something that will stick with you forever. Together with my family and our awesome friends from Portland, we did something that none of us had ever done… Read More

A beautiful morning at the Gozo Salt Pans

Roaming around the Mediterranean island of Gozo is a constant adventure. Despite the recent collapse of the ubiquitous Azure Window, there is still a plethora of treasures to be discovered. As a rule of thumb, unexpected beauty is always around the corner. If you travel to the town of Marsalforn in the North of the… Read More

The Lightroom Mobile RAW workflow

Lightroom Mobile Galore! Traveling light as a passionate photographer is a constant challenge. There is the nagging balance between bringing our beloved gear and keeping the overall weight of the luggage at an acceptable level. That is one of the reasons why I ditched my huge and heavy Nikon equipment and went with the versatile… Read More

Adventures in Camogli

Camogli, June 2017 The problem with traveling to Italy is that you need to choose a place. There are just so many awesome and gorgeous options on the table. High on anybody’s wish list should be the region of Liguria. While it’s best known for the UNESCO world heritage site Cinque Terre, there are a… Read More