Iceland in summer


Just a short update today. It’s been raining cats & dogs here in Bavaria. Perfect time to get caught up on photo & video editing. Earlier in August, I posted some photos from a visit to the Little-Hrutur volcano in Iceland. Following those two days, I went on a whirlwind five day trip along the South Coast of Iceland. The crazy abundance of beauty wherever you look has a drawback though: People like me are easily tempted to create more footage than you could realistically deal with later. Sifting through that and cutting it was a bigger task than expected.

Trip in a box

Working with Final Cut Pro is super fun and rewarding. But I do have to admit that cutting video gets very tedious after a few hours. It’s on my list to develop better workflow skills.

Without further ado, he is the magnum opus. I will post some photos in the near future.

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