Initial impressions – the Fuji 8mm f/3.5

Go wide Wide-angle lenses have always been my favorites. I love the immersive look and feel. Up until recently, the Samyang 12mm f/2.0 was my go-to lens. Unfortunately, it took an ice bath at the shore of Diamond Beach in Iceland last year. It’s still usable but the photos are fuzzy. Three weeks ago, I… Read More

More impressions of the Fuji X100VI

xLove Over the past weeks, I had the opportunity to use the X100VI in many situations. To make it short, I love this camera. It is a big step up from the predecessors. Some people complain that it’s bigger and heavier but you don’t notice once you start using it. It feels like the same…. Read More

Running in the snow

Snow…again Just when all systems had been switched to summer mode, winter struck again towards the end of April. We went from t-shirt & shorts weather straight back to the depth of winter…all within a matter of two days. I took the opportunity to head up the trails over the course of three days to… Read More

It’s here! The Fuji X100VI

The wait Fuji recently announced the sixth iteration of the crazy popular X100 series. I have been an avid user of different versions of this ubiquitous camera. Some of my favorite photos were shot with these. Needless to say, I was excited about the new iteration. But hang on – there was a small problem:… Read More

Chasing Sunrise: Unique lighting conditions for stunning shots with the Fuji X100V

Gorgeous winter mornings: A Bavarian wonderland A cold weather system arrived in Bavaria a few days ago and it has created some of the most amazing views. Trees are covered with snow, the air is full of ice crystals and the sky is blue. Sunrises have had gorgeous hues of pink and orange. Morning runs… Read More

The ‘OMG, I cannot believe it, holy smokes!’ run

Morning Run People who are close to me, know that I love morning runs. There is something special and magical about them. Before the hustle and bustle of the day starts, you often get places to yourself. Morning light is also fantastic for photography. The big freeze Some mornings are better than others. I woke… Read More

Cascais in Winter

Cascais James Bond has taught us that secret agents love fancy places. Earlier this year, I wrote about a special location in Europe that used to be a spy haven: Cascais. It’s a beautiful spot that I keep going back to. To top off a great 2023, my wife and I recently returned to the… Read More

Every second counts

Blue Hour Timing matters. This is especially true when it comes to photography. I was astounded this week during three photo sessions how much difference a few minutes can make. The blue hour is one of my favorite times to take photos. While on a trip to Cascais, Portugal, I set out to photograph the… Read More

Winter wonderland

The Winter Wonder One night. 40cm of fresh snow. Unheard of. But what an experience! This weekend will most certainly go down in Bavarian history. We got so much snow within just a few hours. It was crazy. Almost all traffic was shut down within just a few hours. No trains all weekend. Munich airport… Read More

A gorgeous morning ride

Sunrise Some mornings are prettier than others. This was certainly true the other day. I woke up bright & early and decided to jump on my bike. 30 minutes into the ride, the sun started rising. The next 30 minutes were magical. All photos taken with the iPhone 13 Pro and the GoPro Hero 12.

Trail running on Zugspitze

The comfort zone When is the last time you have left your comfort zone? It’s sadly been a while for me when it comes to sports and I therefore decided to embark on one of my longest trail runs ever. Growth usually happens when you leave your comfort zone. The top of Zugspitze seemed like… Read More

A few days in Tavira

Ringo the Flamingo Is that a flamingo? Boy, I was surprised to see a flock of these awesome birds stand in a tide pool close to Faro airport in Portugal as we made our final descent. Quite a fun sight. And that was a nice and surprising way to start to a short vacation close… Read More

GoPro as a photo camera – overhyped or cool?

The GoPro Just a few days ago, GoPro announced the latest version of its iconic Hero action camera. No doubt, the new Hero 12 will turn heads but also receive criticism on the internet for a perceived lack of new features. Time for me to add my 2 cents again. However, I do not want… Read More

Vík in iceland

vík í Mýrdal  2023 has been a special Iceland year for me. My wife and I went there in mid February and I ended up returning at the end of July to watch the recent Lili-Hrutur volcano eruption. Vík was high up on our list for both trips. A nice benefit of going there in… Read More

Iceland in summer

Iceland Just a short update today. It’s been raining cats & dogs here in Bavaria. Perfect time to get caught up on photo & video editing. Earlier in August, I posted some photos from a visit to the Little-Hrutur volcano in Iceland. Following those two days, I went on a whirlwind five day trip along… Read More