Category Gear Review

Initial impressions – the Fuji 8mm f/3.5

Go wide Wide-angle lenses have always been my favorites. I love the immersive look and feel. Up until recently, the Samyang 12mm f/2.0 was my go-to lens. Unfortunately, it took an ice bath at the shore of Diamond Beach in Iceland last year. It’s still usable but the photos are fuzzy. Three weeks ago, I… Read More

More impressions of the Fuji X100VI

xLove Over the past weeks, I had the opportunity to use the X100VI in many situations. To make it short, I love this camera. It is a big step up from the predecessors. Some people complain that it’s bigger and heavier but you don’t notice once you start using it. It feels like the same…. Read More

It’s here! The Fuji X100VI

The wait Fuji recently announced the sixth iteration of the crazy popular X100 series. I have been an avid user of different versions of this ubiquitous camera. Some of my favorite photos were shot with these. Needless to say, I was excited about the new iteration. But hang on – there was a small problem:… Read More

A short GoPro Fusion Review

Every once in a while there is a piece of technology that boggles your mind and that creates disruption. The iPhone did that ten years ago, for example. The dynamics of the mobile phone market completely changed over night and we suddenly had a different relationship with our phones. Little over two months ago (December… Read More

The Lightroom Mobile RAW workflow

Lightroom Mobile Galore! Traveling light as a passionate photographer is a constant challenge. There is the nagging balance between bringing our beloved gear and keeping the overall weight of the luggage at an acceptable level. That is one of the reasons why I ditched my huge and heavy Nikon equipment and went with the versatile… Read More

Hiking with the Fuji X-T2

Hiking & The Fuji X-T2 Hiking with photographic equipment can be quite cumbersome. There were days when I schlepped a heavy backpack with a set of lenses and DSLR bodies around. Not only was the hiking experience akward but I also often ended up leaving the camera in the bag as it was inconvenient to… Read More

The Fuji X-T2 in Hallstatt

Hallstatt Take a gorgeous lake, put some mountains around it and build a scenic town with cobble stone streets & wooden buildings right on the slopes of the hills. What you get is Hallstatt. Hallstatt is probably amongst the most desirable places to visit in Austria. Its scenery and location is unrivalled for sure. Lucky for… Read More

Night running with the GoPro Hero 5

The GoPro Hero 5 As an avid runner and biker, I really love the GoPro range of products. Earlier this year, I actually wrote that the GoPro might be one of my favorite cameras. No wonder – it’s small, almost indestructible and it delivers pretty awesome image quality. I carry the GoPro on most of… Read More

Part 2: A review of the Samyang 8mm f/2.8 fisheye for Fuji X

Over three years ago, I posted a review of the Walimex 8mm f/3.5 fisheye for Nikon. Since then I have sold all my Nikon gear and switched to the Fuji X system. Naturally, one of the first lenses I acquired was the Fuji version of the fisheye. Since the original article is still one of the… Read More

The Fuji X70 – A review

Finding a camera that delivers awesome image quality in a small and light package has always been a quest of mine. While there are a ton of great tiny cameras out there, none of them have really clicked for me (no pun intended). That’s why I got excited when the good guys at Fujifilm announced the Fuji… Read More

The Fuji X70 at a concert

A few weeks ago, I acquired one of the new Fujifilm X70. Finding a small enough camera that produces really awesome results has always been one of my quests. Unfortunately, to this date I have not found something that I really love. And that’s when the Fuji X70 entered the scene. It seemed small enough… Read More

The GoPro might be my favourite camera

GoPro as a camera While the GoPro is well-known as a fantastic multi-purpose video camera, few people acknowledge that it can also deliver fairly decent photographs. As a matter of fact, I mostly use my GoPro HERO4 for taking photos while biking and running (I call it runography & bikeography, respectively). Due to my job I get to travel… Read More

Photographing the Perseid Meteor Shower with the Fuji-X

Meteor Showers It’s hard to escape the hype around this year’s spectacular Perseid meteor viewing conditions. Despite a demanding travel schedule and the resulting laziness that sets in during breaks, I ended up driving to a somewhat remote location outside of Munich to photograph the Perseids meteor shower. Along with me was the Fujifilm X-T1, the excellent Fujinon… Read More

Garmin Virb – Video quality

Garmin Virb Video A few weeks ago, I posted a review of the Garmin Virb action camera. While I mainly use it for taking photos during a run and or bike ride, most people are probably more interested in making videos. The purpose of this post is to expand on the review and to show… Read More

A Garmin Virb Review

The Garmin Virb Action cameras are amongst the hottest items in the electronics market these days. The GoPro camera totally revolutionised the video segment and made action-oriented videography affordable and accessible. Since then many other companies have entered the market. One of them is Garmin – best known for their GPS devices. A little while… Read More