Garmin Virb – Video quality

Garmin Virb Video

A few weeks ago, I posted a review of the Garmin Virb action camera. While I mainly use it for taking photos during a run and or bike ride, most people are probably more interested in making videos. The purpose of this post is to expand on the review and to show a quick example of the video quality of this camera.

Passo Sella
My friend Adnan took this photo riding free handed with his cell phone – it’s a lot easier now with the Garmin Virb mounted to your bike

Epic Cycling

Most cyclists know that you sometimes experience rides that can only be categorized as ‘epic’. I am still savoring the memories of a bunch of those rides. Unfortunately, in the past it was very difficult to safely bring a camera with you let alone get decent quality images & video. I want to change that in the future and will start recording videos on special rides. For that purpose, I have been testing the Garmin Virb on my roadbike. The following video is the result of these tests. I basically cut a bunch of the clips and put them into one of the iMovie templates. Some of the sections contain the ANT+ sensor and GPS information that the Garmin Virb is able to capture along with the vide. Putting this together took about 15 minutes and I am quite happy with the quality.

The setup

Below are some photos of the setup. The Garmin Virb is connected to my saddle via a K-Edge clamp. Easy to mount and very light. The only problem is to find the right angle for getting the best possible results. The image stabilization mode of the Garmin Virb does a nice job smoothing out the constant road vibration.

Garmin Virb

Garmin Virb


There is all kinds of stuff that you can do with these action cameras. Pro-Cycling teams are now using them to capture completely new and exciting views from inside the peloton. The New York Times even wrote about that earlier this week. Watch this video from Team Shimano. It’s scary to see the action ahead of a sprint finish. Can you feel the thrill? How do you use your action camera?

You can purchase the Garmin Virb Elite Action Camera on

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