Discovering Tenerife


The Spanish Canary islands in the middle of the Atlantic are well known for their beauty, mild climate and easy access for tourists. Earlier this month, I took a few days to discover one of the largest islands in this archipelago: Tenerife. My main purpose was to bike but I could not resist to bring my camera, of course. The destination did not disappoint. On the contrary – I had a few days where the sheer beauty and the abundance of things to explore left me outright exhausted from visual overload (there are definitely worse things in life!).


So much to do

To maximize the fun, I decided to move locations a few times. Tenerife is a large island. You can easily spend a few hours in the car to drive from one corner to the other. My main focus was on three specific areas that I highly recommend spending time in:

  • The Anaga mountains in the North: a lush rain forest. Expect rain and lot’s of mist.
  • Mt Teide in the middle: Spain’s highest mountain (over 3718m)
  • Masca Valley in the South: Step into a scene from Jurassic Park
What‘s so cool about these areas is their sheer diversity. I was biking in 6C temperatures and pouring rain in the Anaga mountain range one morning and arrived on Mt Teide a few hours later at 28C. Kind of crazy. Definitely make sure to pack accordingly. Check out the galary the below.


Cycling on Tenerife is pretty awesome. The roads are extremely well paved, drivers are pretty respectful and you can easily find a different route each day that belongs to the EPIC category. However, the topography of the island requires you to climb a lot. Tenerife features one of Europe‘s longest climbs: from sea level to the crater of Mt Teide at 2200m. It‘s a gorgeous ride. Check out this short video to get an impression.


All photos taken with the excellent Fuji X-T2, the GoPro Hero 6 and the GoPro Fusion. Make sure to check-out my prior post to see some photos from two nights of star-gazing on Mt Teide. You can find further photos from the Canary islands in my gallery.










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