Tenerife The Spanish Canary islands in the middle of the Atlantic are well known for their beauty, mild climate and easy access for tourists. Earlier this month, I took a few days to discover one of the largest islands in this archipelago: Tenerife. My main purpose was to bike but I could not resist to… Read More
Posts Tagged fuji x-t2
Star gazing on Mt Teide
Mt Teide When is the last time you have taken the time to enjoy the night sky and do some star gazing? Probably not as of lately? If not, you should. And you should also bring your camera. Star gazing and astrophotography are activities that can provide you not only with an awesome experience but… Read More
A beautiful morning at the Gozo Salt Pans
Roaming around the Mediterranean island of Gozo is a constant adventure. Despite the recent collapse of the ubiquitous Azure Window, there is still a plethora of treasures to be discovered. As a rule of thumb, unexpected beauty is always around the corner. If you travel to the town of Marsalforn in the North of the… Read More
An hour at the Auditorio de Tenerife
Auditorio de Tenerife When you approach the Spanish island city Santa Cruz de Tenerife by sea, you might think that your eyes are playing a trick on you: there is a building that resembles the iconic Sydney opera house. It’s actually not a trick but the island of Tenerife features its very own iconic auditorium…. Read More
Hiking with the Fuji X-T2
Hiking & The Fuji X-T2 Hiking with photographic equipment can be quite cumbersome. There were days when I schlepped a heavy backpack with a set of lenses and DSLR bodies around. Not only was the hiking experience akward but I also often ended up leaving the camera in the bag as it was inconvenient to… Read More
The Fuji X-T2 in Hallstatt
Hallstatt Take a gorgeous lake, put some mountains around it and build a scenic town with cobble stone streets & wooden buildings right on the slopes of the hills. What you get is Hallstatt. Hallstatt is probably amongst the most desirable places to visit in Austria. Its scenery and location is unrivalled for sure. Lucky for… Read More