An hour at the Auditorio de Tenerife

Auditorio de Tenerife

When you approach the Spanish island city Santa Cruz de Tenerife by sea, you might think that your eyes are playing a trick on you: there is a building that resembles the iconic Sydney opera house. It’s actually not a trick but the island of Tenerife features its very own iconic auditorium. The architecture is quite spectacular, however, the location and the general upkeep of the building is a bit of a let-down. You can find the Auditorio right next to the harbor and it is often surrounded by oil-rigs, drill ships and other other large ocean equipment.The building itself is white but you can easily tell that it needs a good solid scrub.

auditorio de tenerife


Walking around the building is quite fun. You can climb stairs to small platforms and enjoy views of the city and the Auditorio de Tenerife. The surroundings are also quite interesting. When you walk around the building you find a small surprise: the rocks around the ocean have been painted and feature famous singers and composers. Once you let your eyes wonder, you’ll be amazed to see who’s been added to the gallery of rocks.

auditorio de tenerife

The gallery below features some photos from that day. Lighting wasn’t that great and I therefore decided to process everything in black and white. All photographs taken with the Fuji X-T2 and processed in Lightroom.

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