What happens when you are a passionate photographer along with being a dedicated runner/ cyclist? Something special: an excellent opportunity to see and capture the world in a very unique way. Up until a few years ago, it was extremely cumbersome to take photos while being out and about running and biking. Cameras were just too big and heavy. The advent of action cameras such as the GoPro changed all that. It’s no longer a hassle to combine these awesome hobbies: runography. Today, you hardly ever find me on the road without my beloved GoPro Hero 5 or the Fuji X-70.

One of the great things about running and biking is that you can see unique things. Due to my job schedule, I need to get up bright and early. This allows me to experience the world when it’s quiet and the light is magical. Also, you get to cover a lot of ground – it’s almost like sight-seeing without all the tourists. Over the years, I have collected a number of photographs that mean a lot to me. Are they print-worthy? Maybe some. But that’s not what runography is about. It’s foremost about sharpening your senses and the ability to capture beautiful scenes. Also, photos bring back memories.

What to do with the results?
What does one do with photographs taken on a run or bike ride with a small action camera? Quite a bit. I am active on Strava and post a lot of photos on Instagram. Strava then syncs the photos to the various different activities I have logged. It’s quite brilliant. You basically have a diary of all your runs and bike rides along with select photos. Pretty awesome in my book.

Here is a selection of photographs from the first quarter of this year. You can find more images from prior runs and bike rides on this blog. Also, I found some fellow runners with a similar passion. Highly recommend taking a look #runography: