Category Photography

Malta sunrise

Patience One of my favorite features on the newer DJI drones is the pano photo option. DJI automatically takes a series of up to 24 photos which can then be stitched into a gigantic pano using software like Adobe Lightoom. Malta mornings In the summer of 2022, I spent a few days near Golden Beach… Read More

Cascais: Where Sun, Surf, and Secret Agents Collide!

Intro Today, we embark on a thrilling journey to Cascais, a picturesque coastal town in Portugal that has captured my heart and even caught the attention of international spies. With my trusty Fuji X100V & GoPro cameras in hand, I set out to explore the gorgeous town and its beaches while also looking to walk… Read More

A spooky postcard from La Gomera

The rainforest on the Spanish island of La Gomera is simply magical. It’s difficult to describe its beauty. best of all, it changes its appearance literally minute by minute. You arrive surrounded by crystal blue skies and within minutes you are wrapped in dense fog and potentially light rain. The atmosphere is amazing. Earlier this… Read More

Mallorca: Gorgeous views

Mallorca still remains one of my favourite destinations for road cycling. The infrastructure is almost perfect: little traffic, well maintained roads and dedicated cycling routes, gorgeous landscapes and a variety of terrain. Up until now, I have had little time to dedicate to photography on this island. This needed to change. Alcudia Over the stretch… Read More

Cycling the Zillergrund & Schlegeis dams

Zillergrund & Schlegeis Last weekend, I decided to head to Austria to ride two beautiful mountain passes. The region of Mayrhofen is usually known for its skiing and hiking. Few people know that there are three massive dams hidden in the valleys behind the town. Built in the 80s, these dams are pretty impressive and… Read More

Ibiza – Post lock-down

More and more countries are starting to ease travel restrictions as the Covid situation improves across the globe. We were most certainly delighted to jump on a flight to Ibiza a few weeks ago. The island was quite empty and many hotels were still shut down. It was almost a bit eerie in certain parts…. Read More

Local Adventures – Eibsee

As the lockdown continues in Europe and we are unable to hang out with friends & family it is becoming more and more important for us to do some fun stuff on the weekends. Last Sunday we were in for a rare treat: walking on the frozen Lake Eibsee. Lake Eibsee Lake Eibsee is considered… Read More

Local Photography – Lake Spitzing

We sometimes don’t have to travel too far to witness awesome landscapes. There is a lot of beauty around us in Europe. But the closer you live to something the more you take it for granted. There is a tiny lake in the mountains close to our house. It’s called Spitzingsee. Situated at 1100m (3400ft),… Read More

Water color renditions

It’s been a while since my last post. Work has kept me super busy and photography had to take a backseat for a while. But today I am super excited to get started again and will also post some new work in the coming weeks. Is there a better way to return to this blog… Read More

The GoPro Max is a miracle camera

The speed of innovation is startling these days. Things that weren’t possible just 3-5 years ago are now the new normal. The GoPro Max is one of those miracles to me. In case you haven’t heard of it, it’s the latest GoPro camera in the 360 category and basically replaces the GoPro Fusion which was… Read More

Red Rock Canyon with the GoPro Hero 7

Business brought me back to Las Vegas the other day. I can’t really say that I enjoy going there. The Casinos, the masses of people and the constant smell of smoke are just not my cup of tea. Not all is fear and loathing in Las Vegas, however. Just a few miles West of the… Read More

Playing with the DJI Drone

The transition from summer to fall can sometimes be quite harsh. Within a few weeks, temperatures have dropped considerably and we even had to turn on the heat in our house. Pair that with non-stop rain. The past few days have been especially dreary. But as luck had it there were a few bright moments… Read More

An hour at the Auditorio de Tenerife

Auditorio de Tenerife When you approach the Spanish island city Santa Cruz de Tenerife by sea, you might think that your eyes are playing a trick on you: there is a building that resembles the iconic Sydney opera house. It’s actually not a trick but the island of Tenerife features its very own iconic auditorium…. Read More

From the archives: Rapeseed Runner

One fine afternoon in May of 2011 I took off from work a bit earlier. The Bavarian rapeseed fields were in full bloom at that time and I wanted to take some photos of the amazing colors. It always is a spectacular sight especially on a clear day with blue skies. As I was taking… Read More

Fall in Kitzbuehel – A short photo essay

Kitzbuehel – The Legend Downhill racers, mountain climbers, cyclists, jet-setters and paparazzi all get goose-bumps when they hear the name of the ubiquitous Austrian ski town Kitzbuehel. It’s a fairly small town nestled in the Northern part of the Alps (1.5 hrs drive from Munich). There are so many things that Kitzbuehel is famous for:… Read More

A day in the Austrian Alps

The Austrian Alps Fall has arrived with full force in Europe. We just witnessed its volatile nature on a short trip to Saalbach-Hinterglemm in Austria. It is a famous ski town nestled high up in the Alps. The town itself was pretty much shut down. All bars & restaurants are closed during off-season. But the… Read More