Running in San Francisco

A business trip brought me back to San Francisco last week. This is always an opportunity to experience some wonderful runs. The city itself is an ideal stomping ground for runners. Stunning scenery, challenging terrain and decent temperatures all year round make the city so unique. The Presidio especially offers a number of amazing trails with sweeping views over the Pacific Ocean and Golden Gate Bridge. Together with some of my good colleagues and customers, we logged almost 50 miles during that week.

Presidio Run
San Francisco’s finest

The Fuji X70 on the run

Running in San Francisco calls for a camera. Instead of my GoPro, I decided to use my Fuji X70 this time. Packaged up in a small ziplock baggy (protection from sweat & fog), I did not feel burdened at all. The camera is that small and light. Below is a small collection of photos I managed to take during those runs. Thanks to my friends for being patient with my frequent photo stops.

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