‘Lonesome’ on the 500px.com Popular page


500px is amongst my favorite photography websites. The collection of available photos and the sharing capabilities make it an extremely inspiring and useful tool. It’ fun and educational to review the portfolios of different photographers around the world. The overall quality seems a lot higher than what you find on Flickr. And that’s the other thing: sharing your own photos is very enjoyable. Your portfolio looks awesome.


I was really happy the other day to discover that one of my recent creations made it into the ‘Popular’ category of 500px. This page features the best photos of any moment. 500px basically filters the photos based on an algorithm that looks at popularity and positive feedback (likes, comments). Having a photo in that section shows that a lot of people watch and like a specific photograph.

Thanks for all your votes! And here is the photo – Lonesome (Nikon D800, 300m f4):


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